Forking a Github Project#

This would be an example of how to update the code for creating a fork of the DeepHSI github project.


You need to make sure that you have git installed on your computer

sudo apt install git

You also need to have a github account which you can create here if you don’t already have one.

Creating a fork#

Navigate to the Github project website.

In the upper right corner of the webpage click the “Fork” button(Figure 1)


Fig. 6 .#

You may change the repository name if nessessary, and add a Description.

Once you are finished, click the green “Create fork” button.


Once you have finished forking the repository and have git installed, navigate to where you want the files saved and then you need to clone the directory:

git clone Username/DeepHSI.git

Navigate into the new directory

cd DeepHSI

Make the nessesary changes to the fork and then upload your results onto github

Add all files in folder to be uploaded

git add .

Create a commit with all the files added in the last step

git commit -m "Your commit message"

Push the changes into your forked repository

git push origin master

Connect your fork with the main repository#

If you want to keep your fork up to date with the main repository you forked from you need to add it as your forks upstream

git remote add upstream

To make sure that it is correctlty added, use the command

git remote -v

You should see something simular to:

origin Username/DeepHSI.git (fetch)
origin Username/DeepHSI.git (push)
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)

To fetch the branches and commits from the upstream repository use the command

git fetch upstream

If you’re not already in your default branch then you should check out the default one:

git checkout master

Now you should merge with the upstream default branch. This will sync with the upstream branch but keep your local changes

git merge upstream/master